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Broncocelon Cornelius celsus sic vocant greci tumorem crescentem inter cutem et tracheam arteriam.


Broncocelon (Brõco- B) B ef | Broncoceleon AC | Bronchocelen Celsus

vocant (-cãt A) AC f | uocãt B | vocat e

cutem (-tẽm B; -teʒ f) B ef | cuten AC

tracheam (-aʒ f, -ã A) ABC f | traceam e

arteriam (-riã B e) ABC e | artariaʒ f


Broncocelon: according to Cornelius Celsus this is what the Greeks call a tumour that grows between the skin and the trachea.


Greek βρογχοκήλη /bronkhokḗlē/ "tumour in the throat" is a word that occurs in the works of Soranus, Galen and Aëtius of Amida. It is a compound of βρόγχος /brónkhos/ "trachea, windpipe; throat" + κήλη /kḗlē/ "tumour". Simon's forms Broncocelon and Broncoceleon are imitations of the Greek accusative sg.: βρογχοκήλην /bronkhokḗlēn/, see Celsus below.

trachea arteria is Greek τραχεῖα ἀρτηρία /tracheîa artēría/ - sometimes loan-translated into Latin as arteria aspera - where ἀρτηρία /artēría/ can mean "windpipe" and τραχεĩα /tracheîa/ means "rough", referring to the internal roughness of the organ.

Simon is quoting from Celsus, 7, 13, 1, ed. Spencer (1935-8: III.374), or ed. Marx (1915: 330) {online}: At in cervice inter cutem et asperam arteriam tumor increscit: bronchocelen Graeci vocant. Spencer (1935-8: III.375) translates: "Now in the neck between the skin and the trachea,b a tumour occurs which the Greeks call bronchocele". Spencer, ibid. annotation b, goes into more detail about bronchocele: "Under the name bronchocele Celsus describes an enlargement of the thyroid gland consisting of dark red soft material, which may have undergone cystic degeneration into a honey-like liquid, and also a dermoid cyst of the neck containing hair and calcified material. The term βρογχοκήλη {/bronkhokḗlē/} was defined by Galen, ed. Kühn (1821-33: XIX.443), who mentions topical applications for the condition several times, and is used by Paul of Aegina, VI.38. Hippocrates Epid. VI.3.8 … uses γογγρώνη /gongrṓnē/ for the swelling of the trachea, popularly known as goître {sic!}. …".

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