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Dexeris Dyascorides aut cestris a romanis gladiolus dicitur habet folia iridi similia sed latiora et acutiora et astam in medio foliorum cubiti unius longitudine grossam in qua virge sunt capitella habentes semen eius in foliculis est simile cucumeris semen rotundum et nigrum gustu viscidum, radix est illi nodosa et longa et rufa, et cetera, in capitulo alio de gladiolo deteris scribitur.


cestris ABC e | cesteris f

iridi AC | yridi B e f

latiora ABC | laciora e f

acutiora ABC | accutiora e | acuciora f

unius om. B

longitudine (lõg- A; -ĩe B) ABC f | longitudinẽ e

grossam A e | grossaʒ f | grossã B | crossam C

capitella AC e f | capitela B

habentes C | hñtes AB e | hʒ f

foliculis (-c’lis B) ABC | foliculis f | follic’lis e

{cucumeris} semen AC | semẽ e | sem̃ B | seĩe f

nodosa et longa et rufa A e | nodosa & lõga & rufa C | lõga nodosa & ruffa B | nodosa longa et ruffa f

et cetera om. e

gladiolo ABC e | gladiolao f {with superscript o for correction}


Concerning Dexeris Dyascorides says: Dexeris or they call it cestris, the Romans call it gladiolus, it has leaves similar to iris, but broader and more pointed, in the middle of the leaves is a stalk that is one cubit long and it is thick, and on its stalk there are little heads that have their seeds in pods, similar to cucumis {"cucumber"}, the seed is round and dark and of pungent taste; its root is knotty, long and reddish, etc. And in another chapter with the title de gladiolo {"On the gladiole"} it is witten as deteris.


This chapter is made up of large excerpts from ultimately Dioscorides Longobardus, pp. 18/19, book IV, chapter XXII De xeris, with the heading obviously misinterpreted by Simon or his predecessors as one word: Dexeris. The heading would be in more classical Latin: De xyride. xeris itself is a Vulgar Latin form of the classical xyris,idis, i.e. xўris > xĭris > xẹris. The word is borrowed from Greek where it has a large number of variants: ξυρίς /xyrís/, ξιρίς /xirís/, ξειρίς /xeirís/ and ξείρης /xeírēs/.

The same text as above is part of Simon's entry Gladiolus.

Botanical identification:

The plant is often identified with "gladwyn", Iris foetidissima L.

See also: Cestras, Deteris, Gladiolus, Xifion

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