Sandix (1)

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Sandix in antiquis libris/ expositionibus exponitur quod est fecla.


B has all entries beginning with Sandix in one paragraph headworded Sandicos, and B combines Sandix (1) and Sandix (2)

Sandix | sandix B | Sandis j

{Sandix} dya. add. p

libris AC | expositiõibus (-po͞itiõibus ep; -po͞icõibus f; expo͞i͞bus j) B efjp

quod est om. B efjp

fecla fjp | feda AB e {'cl' misread as 'd'} | foda C {‘e’ misread as ‘o’; 'cl' misread as 'd'}

{feda} & ĩ eisdẽ expõitur quod est auripigm̃tũ ustũ: sed Pli. inquit sandix in olere siluestri a grecis ponitur add. B, cf. [[Sandix (2])]


Sandix: {concerning Dyascorides} it is explained in some old books/commentaries that sandix is fecla.


Simon must be referring to Dioscorides Longobardus, 2, 123, ed. Stadler (1899: 226) De scandice id est fecla = “On scandix, which is {in Latin} fecla”, although Dyascorides is only mentioned in ms. p as the source.

For the etymology of Sandix = Scandix see Sandix (3), Scandix

André (1985: 102) s.v. fecla states that its etymology is unexplained, but he thinks it might be related to fenicula “little bracken”? or felicula lit. “little {rock-) fern”.
Souter has f(a)ecula glossed "wild chervil" with Longobardus for his source.

For other meanings of the word see Fecla, Fecula.

WilfGunther 10:52, 16 July 2015 (BST)

See also Sandix (3), Scandix

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